

Transparent closed-loop feedback between consumers, family and management

All your feedback in one place from any device

Time-saving management system that delivers.

  • Closed feedback loop between provider, family and care recipients
  • Stored safely and securely in the cloud
  • Timestamped Feedback thread
  • Easy upload documents, images and video to tell the whole story
  • Easy export in csv or pdf
  • Easy oversight for all of your locations
  • No more localised spreadsheets

An accreditor has used and approved our system for open disclosure, transparency, feedback and complaints. 

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Fresh Feedback

Feedback Management should
always be this easy!


1. Customer submits feedback form

A feedback form is submitted via Mint App where the user chooses the type of feedback, the urgency of the feedback, their relationship to the provider and what it is regarding. They can also submit photos and videos to coincide with the feedback.


2. Management is notified

Management users are notified via email and on Mint App of the feedback submitted.

3. Manage and respond

Managementncan notify the customer at each stage of the feedback management process with one click of a button and include any needed documentation. 

4. Closed

Once the customer is satisfied management can close off the feedback. 

5. Audit Trail

All feedback is time-stamped and saved. Every piece of information captured and always found.

Feedback that tells the whole story 

Mint’s Fresh Feedback provides a simpler way to receive and manage feedback. Every compliment, complaint, and suggestion is captured, stored in the cloud and now, can always be found.  

With three lines of code, easily embed our form on your website for an even simpler approach to feedback. The form will feed directly into your management dashboard and every step of the process is timestamped for audit simplicity. With each step of your feedback management process, you can notify the customer keeping feedback and communication transparent and your customer happy.  


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Feedback Management

Mint’s Fresh Feedback provides a simpler way for management users to log, export and customise feedback forms.

Easily search the feedback entries, filter by status and see all key information at a glance.

Track Continuous Improvement at an organisational wide level or at the site level. 

From Receipt to Resolution, Mint Feedback is the tool you need in your organisation.

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what They’re Saying

Client Testimonials

I am delighted that our new Feedback system is live and accessible on the Carino Care website and via the Mint app.

What is so great you ask?

  • Lodgement of feedback either online or via the app
  • Includes fields that indicate urgency, nature of issue and relationship to consumer …
  • Automatic notification to the manager
  • Attach correspondence and files as a record of action and management
  • Acknowledgment and responses / updates automatically advised to the complainant – Open Disclosure
  • Exportable as excel workbook
  • First in Australia

CEO, Carino Care

Fresh Feedback

A Simpler,
Transparent Solution

Start making moments

It's never been so easy. Fill out the form for further
information and a demonstration.

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